
Cybersecurity Mesh Architecture

Defining Cybersecurity Mesh Architecture

Cybersecurity mesh architecture (CSMA) refers to an architectural model that integrates disparate and widely distributed security tools into a scalable, composable, and collaborative environment. (If you’re not familiar with the term “composable architecture”, we’ll explain that in more detail below.) 

Currently, CSMA is an abstract concept. But it promises to be a viable framework, according to Gartner’s research predictions. CSMA as an architectural strategy has the potential to simplify communication and forge links between multi-cloud, hybrid cloud, container security, and security orchestration processes. 

Neil Hopper, CISO and board member at ISACA, explains the concept as follows: “The increase in remote access to on-premise data centers and cloud resources is driving the need for a flexible, composable architecture that integrates widely distributed and disparate security services. The goal is to move parameters encapsulating data centers to also create perimeters around identities and objects that are not on-premise or on the same network – specifically, users accessing objects from anywhere, anytime, and with a variety of device form factors. It also enables organizations to bring cloud services into the zero trust architecture and employee adaptive access control with more granular analysis of both subjects and objects.”

CSMA requires a complete overhaul of our current network architecture, bringing security teams into the early planning stages of corporate infrastructure. This will ultimately help develop a more robust overall security posture for the organization.

The concept of a mesh architecture has gained traction from the rising popularity of a “security as we go” approach, also apparent in the concept of DevSecOps.

 Cybersecurity Mesh Architecture

Why Consider Implementing CSMA?

Gartner’s research has uncovered a growing gap in interoperability between security tools. Ironically, alongside those security gaps, significant overlaps exist between devices and software, translating to wasteful, unnecessary costs, as each service is generally paid for through its own licensing.

Cybersecurity mesh architecture proposes that each device will be selected and built into the infrastructure as an integrated part of a carefully designed security strategy. 

Even small businesses deploy as many as tens of security technology solutions, creating unsustainable complexity and high demands for maintenance and interoperation to keep each solution running at its prime. 

CSMA facilitates tasks for security teams by deploying a more limited, but at the same time, more carefully chosen list of vendors and solutions, thus decreasing the noise from fragmented systems and reducing wasted time on false positive alerts. CSMA aims to tackle the enmeshed mess of well-meaning cyber solutions to create a decentralized cybersecurity ecosystem of aligned security tools that smoothly complement each other and integrate across all network components.

Is Cybersecurity Mesh Architecture Interchangeable with Zero Trust?

Simply put, no. CSMA is not the same thing as zero trust. To be sure, CSMA incorporates zero trust as one of its fundamental cybersecurity layers. While zero trust has a narrower focus that emphasizes principles of identity, authentication, and access control, CSMA has a broader agenda of weaving all services and processes, with zero trust as just one part of this vision.

What is the Meaning of Composable and Scalable Architecture?

Think about what it’s like to build with lego pieces. You can easily build a structure, remove a part of it, break it, and rebuild it, all using the same interlocking pieces. No matter how many times you use them, they’ll always work together. You will never find even one part of a lego set that doesn’t connect to the other lego pieces.

That’s the idea behind composable architecture which lies at the core of CSMA. The composable architecture enables the breaking down of large and complex systems into smaller, more granular, and reusable components. The goal is to foster real-time adaptability for volatile business security demands. Composable architecture discourages solutions that are built for a specific use case or functionality because this type of module isn’t easily adaptable to other solutions.

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What is an API-first Approach in CSMA?

An API is a type of software that allows one application to obtain data from another. In other words, It allows applications to communicate with one another.APIs are used in almost every application we use daily. An API-first approach dictates that programmers conceptualize exactly how the API will behave and address specific business requirements before writing software code, instead of the other way around.

Security processes within CSMA take an API-first approach. Rigorous sets of standards and security processes are incorporated in the initial connections both among applications and between hardware and software. These secure connections are the process drivers in CSMA.

Get Started On Your Cybersecurity Mesh Architecture Journey

If you’re not sure about your security posture or how your organization’s security tools and solutions are currently working together, a security assessment can help you develop a clear view of your current state and possible remediations. Contact us today to see how Centraleyes can help you.

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