Effective Team Work With Drag-and-Drop Control Assignment

The Centraleyes platform gives you the ability to assign a specific question to one or multiple users in a quick and easy drag-and-drop motion. The users that were dragged are automatically assigned onto the the chosen questions, and get a customized view of information that is relevant to them on their own dashboard (the Participant View). After each question is assigned to a specific user, the user has a curated view of the questions they need to answer.

This feature brings a huge benefit to cyber risk teams, as the simple drag-and-drop action makes managing and monitoring control assignments much faster and more intuitive, saving you hours or even days of work.

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Centraleyes for Free

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system does and eliminates the need for manual processes and spreadsheets
to give you immediate value and run a full risk assessment in less than 30 days

See Centraleyes’s cutting-edge Drag-and-Drop Control Assignment in action
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