SAMM (Software Assurance Maturity Model) is an OWASP framework designed to assist organizations in assessing, formulating, and implementing a software security plan that may be included in their current software development lifecycle (SDL). SAMM can be used in a variety of situations, whether your company is primarily focused on building, outsourcing, or acquiring software, and whether you use a waterfall or agile methodology.

The SAMM 2.0 is built to be development paradigm agnostic, which means it can be used on a wide range of projects, from waterfall to agile to DevOps, as well as some yet-to-be-imagined models.

What are the requirements for OWASP SAMM?

There are 15 security practices in SAMM 2.0, which are organized into five business functions. Every activity is separated into two “streams,” each with its own goal. At various levels of maturity, a stream-specific goal can be achieved:

Level 0: An unmet practice that serves as an implicit beginning point
Level 1: A basic knowledge of the Practice and ad hoc implementation
Level 2: A more systematic implementation that improves the Practice’s efficiency and efficacy
Level 3: A thorough understanding of the Practice at a scale that allows for efficient functioning

SAMM defines an objective, a set of actions, and expected results for each level, among other things.

Why should you be OWASP SAMM compliant?

The objective of OWASP SAMM is to provide a practical and measurable mechanism for enterprises of all sizes to assess and improve their software security posture. Through a self-assessment paradigm, OWASP SAMM increases awareness and educates businesses on how to design, create, and deploy secure software.

Following industry best practices, particularly when framed through a solid and authoritative model, is always a more reliable way to steer your ship than making it up as you go. SAMM is worth the expense of adoption because of the experience, history, and industry support that OWASP brings to the table. You can be confident that you are better prepared for risks to your source code if you implement and closely adhere to such a model within your organization.

How to achieve compliance?

The best way to utilize SAMM is to simply take the first step and start using it without thinking too much about “doing it correctly.” Because it is an iterative process, it is perfectly acceptable to devote the first cycle or two to learning the ropes.

The following are the phases of a typical iterative cycle:

  • Prepare
  • Assess
  • Set the target
  • Define the plan
  • Implement
  • Roll-out (After that, assess when the next cycle starts)

The Centraleyes platform contains an OWASP SAMM questionnaire that allows you to automatically gather, evaluate, and detect gaps. The platform will provide automated actionable remediation tasks using its AI risk engine after the holes have been detected, advising the team on what they need to do.

The Centraleyes platform gives enterprises total visibility into their Software Development Lifecycle (SDL) levels and OWASP SAMM compliance, allowing them to save time and money while also getting more accurate data.

Centraleyes is a great option for you if you’re striving to meet the security measures recommended by the OWASP SAMM – Software Assurance Maturity Model while also reducing cyber security threats.

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Start implementing OWASP SAMM in your organization for free

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