MSSN CTRL: Security Engineering and Automation Conference 2023
- Security Conferences
- MSSN CTRL: Security Engineering and Automation Conference 2023
MSSN CTRL is a cutting-edge cybersecurity conference that delves into innovative practices and their transformative impact on traditional security approaches of the past decade. With a focus on deep technical training and hands-on sessions, the conference aims to empower attendees with the essential methods and tools needed to safeguard their organizations or clients effectively.
Spanning two days, the conference offers an immersive experience, providing opportunities for attendees to connect with engineers, analysts, and leaders from renowned cybersecurity startups, security service providers, and top-notch SOC teams worldwide. Tailored to practitioners, the event facilitates direct knowledge sharing from industry peers who recount real-life stories of the challenges they encounter and the strategies they employ to overcome them.