BSidesAugusta 2023
- Security Conferences
- BSidesAugusta 2023
BSides is a community-driven framework that fosters the creation of events by and for information security community members. The primary objective is to transcend the traditional boundaries of time and space, facilitating a broader spectrum of conversation. This inclusive platform offers opportunities for individuals to both present their ideas and actively participate in a collaborative and intimate atmosphere.
The events are immersive and feature engaging discussions, captivating demonstrations, and meaningful interactions among participants. They serve as a hub for conversations about upcoming trends and innovations in the field.
BSidesAugusta is a notable example of a BSides event. Aligned with the global BSides movement, BSidesAugusta organizes an annual conference in the fall. The conference aims to provide a secure platform for thought-provoking and relevant talks, fostering collaboration among professionals with diverse levels of experience. Keeping the cost per attendee affordable is another key goal of the conference, ensuring accessibility for a wide range of participants.